Crossing the Whole30 Finish Line! Yesterday officially marked Day 30! Therefore, today I was allowed to take my stats and tally my results. Before I delve into my success, I want to share some of the lessons I learned this round of Whole30... 1. Always be prepared! When I was preparing my evening meal on Day 16, my spice grinder broke and into my dish went over 1/3 cup of spices. Rather than turn to noncompliant food, I grabbed some Whole30 compliant leftovers out of the fridge and ate that instead. 2. My motivation to be physically active was nonexistent during Whole30! I have not worked out in 30 days which means I am nowhere near prepared for my upcoming half marathon in just 4 days. My motivation and energy simply wasn't there. Therefore, I am setting a goal for myself to do som...